What access group has


Is there any way to find out the list of objects, users in a group can access,  like Security Summary, group has access to couple of reports, records, actions and task list.



Rahul Gundu

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  • You can check the dependents for each of the groups that the user is assigned to. If you have access to the Admin Console, you can easily view the groups they are in, and from there you can link over to the specific group. You will have to go up one level and then select the group to view the dependents that are tied to it.
  • You can check the dependents for each of the groups that the user is assigned to. If you have access to the Admin Console, you can easily view the groups they are in, and from there you can link over to the specific group. You will have to go up one level and then select the group to view the dependents that are tied to it.
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