Import inspection failed - cannot fix missing precedent error

Hi All, 

I'm receiving the following error when trying to import a patch from our cloud sandbox environment into an on-prem Dev server: 

From my understanding, it's saying the "body template" of the "send e-mail to study coordinators" node cannot be found - is this correct? I confirmed in both source and target environments that the document being referenced for the body of this email in the process node is in fact available, inside the application, etc so I'm not sure why it is not finding it on inspection? I also checked the process model's dependents and precedents, and the missing precedents for the whole application, and nothing is missing. 

Based on other similar discussions, I tried downloading the "Content Details by UUID" functions, but when I go to import the .zip file into the environment, it imports no objects? (Import shows as successful but I cannot see/find any of the supposed objects included). 

Thanks for any suggestion on how to resolve. 


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