Records Tutorial how to insert values into the table?

according to this tutorial i created custom data type and data store 
but i don't know how to:

5. Insert the following values into the table:

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  • +1
    A Score Level 1
    in reply to piotrb0002
    Hi ,

    After you publish the data-store successfully with the appropriate data store entities in it , the respective tables will be created the database .

    Then you can insert records into table in following possible ways.

    1) Manually , by directly navigating to database i,e envts-url/.../index.php. Once you go here click on Appian database on the left hand side , inside it click on the tables and then select the table you want to insert record into . Then select the insert option and start adding the records to the table manually .

    2) Using a process model - This is a long procedure
    - Create an interface which will capture all the fields that you want to enter into the database
    - Create a process model which will call this interface in User input task .
    - Use Write to datastore entity smart service to push the data captured from the user into the desired tables

    3) Like mentioned below by You can paste this data into excel and use excel to cdt plugin then insert into table using a!writetodatastoreentity funtion or use write to data store plugin from process model.

    Hopefully this will help .

    Rohit Ouhal