Hi,#Sign Pdf Document smart service I am working on 'SIGN PDF DOCUMENT&

Hi,#Sign Pdf Document smart service
I am working on 'SIGN PDF DOCUMENT' smart service. I went through the documentation given in the forum ,but I couldn't understand about all node inputs.
Could someone help me with an example.
It would be great if u provide an example application.

Thanks in advance..!!...



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  • Hi Rakesh,
    I can go into the node inputs a little bit more.

    1. Document to sign: Input - The document you wish to upload to append a signature to
    2. Signed Document name: Output - The name of the generated PDF with the signature
    3. Destination Folder: The folder in Appian where you wish to store the PDF
    4. Keystore type: The type of keystore containing the private key. More information about JKS and PKCS#12 can be found here:
    5. Keystore: You can generate a keystore using the keytool executable located in <PATH_TO_JAVA>/<JDK1.X.X_XX>/bin/keytool
    More information on this can be found here:
    6. Keystore Password: Password that you have defined for your keystore
    7. Key alias: The alias of the key to use, if there are multiple keys in the keystore
    8. Key password: The key password, if it differs from the keystore password
    9. Certification level: The levels in which changes can be made to the PDF
    10. Hash algorithm: The algorithm used when signing. SHA-256 and higher are generally more secure but must be supported by the selected key.
    11. Append signature: Whether or not to append signatures. The default is true and existing signatures will be preserved.

    For 12 - 14, this is for informational purposes only. Will be shown when viewing the signature details.
    12. Reason: The reason for signing the document
    13. Location: The signer's location
    14. Contact: The signer's contact information

    15. Visable signature: The visible signature option, or None for no visible signature
    16. Visible signature field: The name of the visible signature field to sign, or to create and sign
    17. Visible signature graphic: The image to use for the visible signature
    18. Visble signature page number: The page number to place the signature

    19. Visble signature positions:
    X1: The X offset of the upper right corner
    Y1: The Y offset of the upper right corner
    X2: The X offset of the lower left corner
    Y2: The Y offset of the lower left corner