Why queryProcessAnalytics function is not working in rule event?


When i try to use this function inside rule event it will throw an below error,

"(ERROR:EVAL:@reason=index)"and process status is changed to "Paused By Exception"
How do i resolve this?

P.S. :- Value of pv!ppid_int is set to tp!id (also tried with ri! and pp!id)

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Parents Reply
  • Hi Shubham Aware (shubhama),

    Could you try using this code:

      rule!RCOS_PFM_nullCheck( ri!ppid_int ),
          report: cons!RCOS_PFM_CUSTODIAN_TASK_REPORT,
            contextProcessModels: cons!RCOS_PFM_CUSTODIAN_PROCESS_MODEL,
            query: a!query(
              pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(
                startIndex: 1,
                batchSize: 1,
                sort: a!sortInfo(
                  field: "c32",
                  ascending: false
              filter: a!queryFilter(
                field: "c28",
                operator: "=",
                value: ri!ppid_int
        ), 1, {}
      ) = "1"

    If you still get the same issue, first test the result executing the queryprocessanalytics rule, to see if it's ok, then with the first and then the last one, like debugging your results.
