Query around Primary Key in Appian My SQL Database

Hi All,


I am working on version 18.1.


I have a few queries around Primary Key in Appian's MY SQL database:


1. In my MySQL database, if I want to create two columns as primary key i.e. if I want to create a composite key rather than making just one column as a primary key then how can I do that as in my data type Appian allows to create only one column as primary key though in XSD we can add two columns as primary key using @Id annotation. So I would like to know how can I achieve this or I can only create one column as primary key.

2. Also would like to know in which scenario do I get Unique Key Constraint violated error.


Thanks in advance!!

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    in reply to paragk998

    Hi paragk998

    Thanx for replying!!

    What I am trying to do is: I am modifying my existing CDT and uploading a new version of it wherein I want to make another existing column as primary key.

    The screen shot of table is (which is correct):


    Below is the screen shot with the error which I get when I try to upload new version of my CDT wherein I am making an existing column primary key with @Id annotation


    Am I missing anything, any suggestion...?
