I am trying to generate a dynamic PDF with 'PDF from XSL FO Transformation', it is generating a PDF but after opening it I'm getting an error stating 'The file is damaged and could not be repaired.' Has anyone came across such scenario? I'm not able find the issue here.
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It would be much helpful if someone provides test sample.
Hi paschimav,
Could you please elaborate your 2nd point. I am using .xml for xml document and .xsl for xsl document. My confusion is which should be the input document in the inputs of xsl document in the Pdf from xsl-fo plugin. Should it be xsl file, xslt file or xsl-fo file. I am confused in between them as well and also between their extensions. Thanks
Hi Chanakya,
I am sending the xslt file in the xsl document input of the plugin. I am getting the same issue of corrupted pdf. could you let me know how you resolved this issue?
Hello Himanshu,
Have you tested the XSLT with the xml in any XMLs tool? The complexity of doing this is that you are merging 2 languages the first is the XSLT and the second is the what I call the FO syntax
If the ending xlsfo has wrong syntax or an invalid xml tag that kind of error could happen