Display Data in Records

Hi All,

I have a requirement where in which i have fetch data from 7 tables and display that data in record. Is creating a view is the best approach or else please suggest if can handle it in a better way.

Thanks in Advance

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  • Use of a view is a common practice when preparing data for use with a Record type.

    Stored procedures with outputs are typically only explored as a secondary option when a view is not possible.
    Stored procedures often require more work, and a plugin is needed to execute them.

    When constructing your view, emphasis on efficiency is important.
    Be sure to use proper joins and avoid use of the IN() operator.
    Indexes on your join columns in the base tables are typically recommended to maximize read performance. Those same indexes can impact write latency, but it's usually not an issue.
  • Use of a view is a common practice when preparing data for use with a Record type.

    Stored procedures with outputs are typically only explored as a secondary option when a view is not possible.
    Stored procedures often require more work, and a plugin is needed to execute them.

    When constructing your view, emphasis on efficiency is important.
    Be sure to use proper joins and avoid use of the IN() operator.
    Indexes on your join columns in the base tables are typically recommended to maximize read performance. Those same indexes can impact write latency, but it's usually not an issue.
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