Any alternative for findfoldersbyname()

Hi Everyone,

Please suggest me alternative for findfoldersbyname() function.

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  • Extracted from below link:

    UPDATED 28 Sept 2015 findFoldersByName: Deprecated due to edge cases where search would not return expected results and adjusting this specific function would break backwards compatibility. Existing implementations of this function will continue to execute but this function is now hidden from the expression editor palette. findContentByAttribute: Added to replace and improve upon functionality provided by findFoldersByName. Allows for searching for content (folders, documents) by attribute - valid values are "name", "author", "description" (Document only), "extension" (Document only)


  • Extracted from below link:

    UPDATED 28 Sept 2015 findFoldersByName: Deprecated due to edge cases where search would not return expected results and adjusting this specific function would break backwards compatibility. Existing implementations of this function will continue to execute but this function is now hidden from the expression editor palette. findContentByAttribute: Added to replace and improve upon functionality provided by findFoldersByName. Allows for searching for content (folders, documents) by attribute - valid values are "name", "author", "description" (Document only), "extension" (Document only)


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