Multiple grids using advanced document templating

can we generate multiple grids using the advanced document template plugin? what is the xml and code syntax for that?

below is the syntax i was trying for the xml and not sure what the code we should use in the template.

I want developer tags to go into one grid.

Developer1 tags ro to go into second grid.

=<project><name>"test for document"</name>

<developer name='a1' lastName='test1' mail='' day='8/9/2018' />;

<developer name='b2' lastName='test2' mail='' day='8/9/2018' />;

<developer1 name='c3' lastName='test3' mail='' day='8/9/2018' />;

<developer1 name='d4' lastName='test4 mail='' day='8/9/2018' />;


Thanks in advance,


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  • Hi Sindhu,

    Adding to the above comments, make sure your XML code should be formatted properly. Below is your XML code after few changes:

    "<project><name>test for document</name>

    <developer name='a1' lastName='test1' mail='' day='8/9/2018' />

    <developer name='b2' lastName='test2' mail='' day='8/9/2018' />

    <developer1 name='c3' lastName='test3' mail='' day='8/9/2018' />

    <developer1 name='d4' lastName='test4' mail='' day='8/9/2018' />


    The code we can use in the template for displaying data in separated grids as follows:


    Name Last Name Mail Day
    «@before-row[#list doc.project.developer »«${d.@name}»«@after-row[/#list]» «${d.@lastName}» «${d.@mail}» «${d.@day}»


    Name Last Name Mail Day
    «@before-row[#list doc.project.developer1»«${d1.@name}»«@after-row[/#list]» «${d1.@lastName}» «${d1.@mail}» «${d1.@day}»






  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to vijay

    Hi Vijay,

    The above code is used for static data, but I need help with the same scenario for dynamic.

    Thanks in advance.

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