Importing an Application

Certified Senior Developer

While importing an application what security is applied on all the objects of that application? Does it remain same or it changes

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  • Security do not change with import, it remains the same.

    Edited: Based on inputs from Carlos, there are 2 sides we need to think if we are saying security of objects will remain same or it changes:

    1. Security of objects of source env from which we have exported package.

    2. Security of objects in target environment after deployment, if those objects has different set of security before Deployment.

    To make things simple and as per best practice, we can assume that deployment will be done by administration and objects are not assigned with user level security, instead groups are used for security assignments.

    With above situation, security will remain same as per import package. I.e. whatever security is assigned to objects in source environment, it will carry forward in target environment.

    We can still have discussion if above understanding is not clear.

  • This is a good answer, adding that if you have the groups in the enviorment all the things gone right but if you don't have any group created all the importantions it's gonna fail.

    In the other hand, one of the best practices to show reports or sites to an specific group of people its leting them the correct rights in the object in some cases, like:

    - Specific report to a user or group of users.
    - Sites for a group of user or a single user, this user/s are the only one that have the visibility of this site in particular.
  • This is a good answer, adding that if you have the groups in the enviorment all the things gone right but if you don't have any group created all the importantions it's gonna fail.

    In the other hand, one of the best practices to show reports or sites to an specific group of people its leting them the correct rights in the object in some cases, like:

    - Specific report to a user or group of users.
    - Sites for a group of user or a single user, this user/s are the only one that have the visibility of this site in particular.
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