fitnesseForAppian- drop down value selection not working on a Task Reassign popup box

Hi Team, 

I am trying to handle a auto populate field, where I start typing in a value, say Test, and i gets the relevant auto populate values like Test, Testing, TestCases, etc. And I can select ONE.

The field doesn't have label. Tried all possible combinations, but no go. Refer screenshot attached. 

Tried all these

|populate field |[1]|  with | Test[1]   |

|populate field |[1] |with |TEST[1] |
|populate field |[1] |with |Test.administrator |
|populate field |[2] |with |TEST[1] |
|populate field |[1] |with |TEST |
|populate field |[1] |with |TEST |
|populate field |[1] |with |TEST Administrator |
|populate field |[2] |with |TEST Administrator |


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