Is it true that Start Process Smart Service will start the new process instance by considering the load balancing of execution engines and 'Asynch Sub process' calls the new process instance on same engine?
If yes, What the advantages of Asynch Sub process call over the 'Start Process Smart Service'
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I have observed something strange and would like to share and check if its happening for others as well.
1. I have used a Start Process smart service from another parent process with close to 15 parameters passed. I currently see this coming up in Health Check Report as a high peak average node in the process
2. I have a similar parent process where the same process is called as a sub process, this time as a asynchronous sub process. The parameters and value remain the same. The volume of processes are similar. However this process doesn't seem to have a high peak average.
Any Idea of why this could have possibly happened?
Many Thanks,