Smarter banner message in a!startProcessLink()


For the banner message parameter in the function a!startProcessLink(), is there a way to detect whether the user has pressed the Cancel button so that we could customize the banner message accordingly?

For example, if I define the banner message as "Record updated successfully" then it would be confusing for the user to see this message if he/she had actually canceled the form.


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  • As far as I know, this is not possible. We would need a way to output a variable from the process back to the form from which it was initiated and that is not currently an option.

    I quickly played with the idea of putting the banner message inside a with() statement that would query the process metrics from the process started, but I was unable to get it to work.
  • As far as I know, this is not possible. We would need a way to output a variable from the process back to the form from which it was initiated and that is not currently an option.

    I quickly played with the idea of putting the banner message inside a with() statement that would query the process metrics from the process started, but I was unable to get it to work.
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