FitNesse – Site test with card layout
Hi all,
We are trying to implement an automated test scenario using FitNesse, in order to test a Site. We did manage to logging in the site, and flow between the tabs by using the method:
| click on site page | SITE_PAGE |.
The problem though, is happening when we tried to test the content in the Site Summary page. The summary page is a task report interface which contains some card layouts, these card layouts are dynamic link that update a local variable within the interface and based on the value of this variable it is defined which rules will be called in consequence the information displayed in the page itself.
We try to use different methods, following the CheatSheet without success though.
Is it possible to use FitNesse to click on card layout?
Acacio B.
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Naga Kumar, it looks like what he did was first add a label to the link in the cardLayout: a!cardLayout(
link: a!dynamicLink( label: "Testing123"
) ) and then, in FitNesse, he used the following: | click on card | Testing123 | His initial issue was that he did not supply a label to the cardLayout (he didn't need one visually). Hope that helps.