hi all,
Just wondering if it would be possible to start a process and have the first form of that process open in another browser tab.To give some context, imagine if you will you've started a case and are already in an interface viewing that case data. what i'd like to do is within that interface, have a link defined that when clicked would start a case of a different process, provide some key data from this source case, and have that 2nd processes form load up in a second browser / tab thus allowing the user to review both interfaces at the same time.....
madness ?
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It is possible to open a process in new tab. You can construct the start process url by concatenating your site url, page, start process, unique process opaque id and parameters if any. Just make sure the concatenated url is exactly the same as the url which you get while launching the process from site page.
a!linkField( label: "", links: a!safeLink( label: "Process Name", uri: concat( "abc/.../", tostring( a!startProcessLink( label: "", processModel: cons!PROCESS_MODEL_CONS, ).processModelOpaqueId ), "?parameters=", tostring( a!startProcessLink( label: "", processModel: cons!PROCESS_MODEL_CONS, ).cacheKey ) ) ))
Since we are configuring the site url, the url might change with different environments right. Is it really advisable to use safe link?