How to Find All Actions from an environment

Certified Lead Developer



We have requirement to find all action list from specific environment. Is there any way to find that.

We can do it manually but we have more than 20 application and each application has several Actions. So doing it manually will be huge efforts.

Basically we are looking at below data

Action Name             Underlaying Process model name                Initiator of Process Model                        Application Name




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  • Hi,
    When you go to Tempo, click on Actions, it will list all the actions for that particular environment. On the Left hand side it will display all Applications name, and the actions and the number of Actions the Application has. If you click on that Application it will filter the list by all the actions for that particular Application. This is specific for the Action Name and Application Name
  • Hi,
    When you go to Tempo, click on Actions, it will list all the actions for that particular environment. On the Left hand side it will display all Applications name, and the actions and the number of Actions the Application has. If you click on that Application it will filter the list by all the actions for that particular Application. This is specific for the Action Name and Application Name