is it mandatory to use export patch for changing object?

is it mandatory to use export patch for changing object?  

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  • importing a patch is used to update an application with new or modified object. typically it use to enhancement or defect for application.So it is good that you can use patch when your doing code change.
  • Another option to export patch would be to create a new application, add the object you modified to that application, and export that application. When you deploy that application to a higher environment it will update the modified object.
  • A patch can be used as well as exporting an application but the patch may not be related to the larger application. It makes sense to use a patch when fixing something for a defect but maybe not for new development on an existing object.
  • Hi,
    Please clarify my understanding.
    So if you have made any changes in lower environment, and if you want to deploy in the higher environment,
    1)are you asking is it mandatory to do by export and importing patch for changing object?
    2)are you asking can we make changes directly in higher environment without exporting/

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Larry Nguyen
    My preferred method for this when creating small hotfixes to push to Production is, prepare the hotfix in its own new (small) app package in the hotfix environment, then add the contents of that application to a patch, and import the patch into a dedicated patches / hotfixes app package in the target environment. This allows us to keep track of recently changed objects if necessary, without cluttering the production environment with zillions of individual patch apps.
  • ShashankHNatesh (shashankn0001)
    I agree with Mike Schmitt in that, it is the best way to export patch to higher environments.

    And in answer to your question, if its "mandatory" ?

    For lower environments, like development environments, you can go ahead and make changes to an object. When you want to bring this change to higher environments, what other options do you have other than creating a patch or patch application?

    - You cannot export an object as such. Exporting the entire application, is not feasible since it is time consuming and undesirable. Also you will be importing changes of all other designers, whose development might not be complete.

    - Also, directly editing the object on higher environments is forbidden , as it might override others changes, create incompatible versions and sometimes even break the code with improper testing.

    The ideal way is to isolate your change , without disturbing other objects in an application, by adding it to a patch or through creating an application and adding your changed object to import it to higher environments. Even before you import your change, you should ensure that other designers work-in-progress changes on that object are not imported.