Deployment issue


Trying to deploy a group from DEV to UAT.

'Duplicate names for public and team groups are not allowed" is the error thrown while deploying to UAT.

I understood that the group has different uuid in DEV and UAT and throwing the error.

the group is already being used in the process.

Now my UAT is in 18.2 version and DEV in 17.2 version, I can't import from UAT to DEV now.

Is there any option other than deleting the group in UAT and importing from DEV?




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  • Hi Rohini,

    This is little tricky one. I think of few of work around but in any case you may have to do the rework on the object which are relayed on that group.
  • Hi,

    You might have created and deployed your groups from lower environments to higher(Dev --> Test --> UAT). So please try following approach once.

    1. Take the UUID of the group from UAT environment and search in Dev environment from where your are trying to export and import in UAT.

    2. If you found that group in Dev then make required changes and deploy in UAT.

  • The same group has different uuid in DEV.

  • You can do the following

    1. Review the group properties between DEV and UAT to determine which environment has the correctly configured group.

    2. Based on that comparison, export from the environment where the group has the correct properties and then import to the target environment. For this example, let's say that UAT is the correct group object and the target environment is DEV.

    3. Before exporting from UAT, take note of the parent group property on UAT and make sure it exists on DEV as well with the same uuid. If not, include it in the export from UAT.

    4. Ideally, you should remove the pre-existing group with the same name from the DEV environment to avoid future confusion. This step is optional, but if not taken, you will just need to take special care when specifying this group in the future to select the one with the correct matching uuid.

    5. Export the patch from UAT and import to DEV.

    6. Test the software related to the group on DEV to make sure it continues to work as expected. If not, you may need to update expressions where the group is used.

    7. Repeat these steps on your Test environment if you find the group object there is out of sync as well.

    Hope this helps.
  • The uuid in UAT Is the correct one.
    I can't import UAT object into DEV currently as UAT is in 18.2 V and DEV is in 17.2 V as mentioned in my query.


  • If necessary, update the group object on DEV based on the UAT version and then unit test dependent software to make sure it works as expected on DEV. If all is good with the DEV unit test, promote the object through lower environments up to UAT and then unit test there as well. This object will need to be part of a production release to ensure it is in sync everywhere it is deployed.