Clicking on linkfield to open URL and also save Auditing data into database

Certified Associate Developer

In our project, we have a requirement to audit the link clicks from Appian Page.

We would like to store the user, datatime, link Clicked etc. information in a database table and also same time open the URL.


If Google Analytics link tracking can be used here? If anyone used it?


  label: "Links",
  links: a!safeLink(
    label: "Company web site",
    uri: ""

I do not see any option to make DB call to save to database?

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    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to SANTOSH S KUNDLIK

    Custom plug-ins can allow you to potentially add customized expression functions with functionality you need that's not offered in out-of-the-box functionality. The burden would be on you to figure out how to write it, but if you are able to figure it out it seems like it might be possible to create a custom link generating rule which captures saveInto data as well as opening the link, all in one click. I have no idea whether this is truly possible, mind you, just that it seems like it might be.

    Alternatively you can attempt to get in touch with Appian and submit an enhancement request with your use case, which I suppose would be to enhance the safeLink rule with the possibility of executing a saveInto when clicked.
