Is it possible to list/report all scheduled process models?

We would like to generate a list of all the process models that are scheduled to run automatically on a timer. Is there any feasible way to achieve this? (basically the equivalent of a crontab)

Any help will be appreciated. 

Thank you, 

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  • Hello Oscar,

    Try the export that for sure will give you the information, you can export all the processes in one app and then look for “trigger-timer” which will give you the processes with a timer.

    Then here is the difficult part how to know that is a start node?, well if you assume al the start nodes are names as default “Start Node” then you have the answer, but it is always possible that someone changes it.
    As well you can assume the start node was never deleted or modified so it will be the local-Id:”core.0” or guiId =0

    Unless you have an special scenario in your processes maybe the better way to identify is to look inside the same xml tag for the <schedule> Which is the recurrence configuration used on this kind of nodes.

    BTW that is a fantastic request, I would like to see that functionality on the admin or somewhere there. I even would love to identify the start node timers and the other timers. Since we most of the times need to know if we have an abandoned process timer.

    I am not sure if this information is on the HC, but if you find it please let us know.

    Hope this helps
  • So far I have not found any information on it, I will keep looking though. Thank you for your valuable insight josep, these additional details will definitely help speed up this search. As soon as I'm able to test this procedure I will update this thread.
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