Getting Task Deleted or Completed by Assignee error when trying to open incomplete task from a hyperlink by the assignee itself.

Getting Task Deleted or Completed by Assignee error when trying to open incomplete task from a hyperlink by the assignee itself. Below is the error.

Using clickable link rich text based, to navigate user to the task that they are assigned when they click on it. But the following error keeps coming when the task is not completed yet and despite of already assigned to assignee who clicks on link.

Please advise the cause and fix.

Code for rich text field clickable link is below inside a gridRowLayout

label: "Status",
value: a!richTextItem(
text: index(fv!item, "Status",""),
link: if(index(fv!item, "Status","") = cons!NSA_RequestMoreInfo_Status_Cons,a!processTaskLink(
label: "Task Status",
task: rule!NSA_GetTaskId_ExprRule(ri!AssetOrProjectName,index(fv!item,"ApprovalTeam",""))
), null)


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