Adding confirmation buttons /links in Grid

Certified Lead Developer



I have a requirement of adding confirmation buttons and labels when user clicks on the "Delete" link in each row.

Any suggestions?

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  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer
    What I've seen in the past, is that when a user selects the Delete link, you save to a boolean local variable before deleting the row, and at the top/bottom of the grid, you have red confirmation text with a radio button (Yes/No). Once the user selects yes on the radio button, then you actually remove the item from the array and reset the boolean variable to false. Additionally, when the boolean variable is true, you can disable all other action on the page (i.e. grey out all other links and fields, such that they MUST answer the confirmation question prior to moving on).

    You could do the same thing via an additional column on your grid, if scrolling to the top/bottom isn't a good UX. If the user selects Delete on one row, another column displays to it's right with your confirmation question. Once confirmed, the column would disappear again.

    Hope this helps!
  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer
    What I've seen in the past, is that when a user selects the Delete link, you save to a boolean local variable before deleting the row, and at the top/bottom of the grid, you have red confirmation text with a radio button (Yes/No). Once the user selects yes on the radio button, then you actually remove the item from the array and reset the boolean variable to false. Additionally, when the boolean variable is true, you can disable all other action on the page (i.e. grey out all other links and fields, such that they MUST answer the confirmation question prior to moving on).

    You could do the same thing via an additional column on your grid, if scrolling to the top/bottom isn't a good UX. If the user selects Delete on one row, another column displays to it's right with your confirmation question. Once confirmed, the column would disappear again.

    Hope this helps!