Convert base 10 to base 36 numbers using numbers 0 - 9 and letters A - Z

Hi all,

We are looking for a function that converts base 10 numbers to base 36 numbers (using numbers and letters to represent base 36 numbers), and also another function to convert base 36 text 

Example1 - Convert base 10 to base 36 >> enter base 10 number int(3634) and get base 36 text string "2SY"

Example2 - Convert base 36 to base 10 >> enter base 36 text string("A2J") and get base 10 number int 13051

Does anyone have an idea where we can start from?


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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    To clarify a bit upon previous answers - this functionality would also be doable within an out-of-box expression rule if necessary, using normal internal Appian functions. It probably wouldn't perform 100% as well as a custom Java plug-in, but the advantage of doing it in an expression rule is that you could probably just write it yourself, using the expression language you already know, and without requiring plug-in hassles.
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    To clarify a bit upon previous answers - this functionality would also be doable within an out-of-box expression rule if necessary, using normal internal Appian functions. It probably wouldn't perform 100% as well as a custom Java plug-in, but the advantage of doing it in an expression rule is that you could probably just write it yourself, using the expression language you already know, and without requiring plug-in hassles.
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