How to lose the selected row focus?

Hi everyone,

How can I lose the selected row in a gridField?? I want this option aviable.

The problem is.. every time it has the same instance, so the interface selected row is the last one (I want no selection).

The interface with selected row backs, when I push a button in another one. But, if I force the parameters in the call expression, its doesnt work.

I konw that probably, I dont reference the variables correctly or I dont put them in their place (load(), with(), gridField(),...)


Thanks for all,


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  • Hello Pablo,

    Hope this message finds you well, can you solve the following doubts:

    • What's the purpose for losing focus on the selected row?
    • Can you define that is the meaning for having the same instance?
    • Can you place your code on this post? it would be pretty helpful.

    I've created a straightforward example that contains the follows:

    1. List of elements shown in a data grid view.
    2. display selected elements within the data grid view through a text field Appian object.

      local!selectedRowList_int: null,
      local!default_gridSelection: a!gridSelection(
        pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo(
        startIndex: 1,
        batchSize: 10
        selected: {}
        {id:1, description:"apple"},
        {id:2, description:"banana"},
        {id:3, description:"watermelon"},
        {id:4, description:"kiwi"},
        local!data_datasubset: todatasubset(
              label: "test - selected rows",
              value: local!selectedRowList_int,
              readOnly: true
              selection: true,
              selectionStyle: "ROW_HIGHLIGHT",
              identifiers: index(local!,"id",null),
              value: local!default_gridSelection,
              saveInto: {
                  target: local!selectedRowList_int,
                  value: local!default_gridSelection.selected
              totalCount: local!data_datasubset.totalCount,
                  label: "id",
                  field: "id",
                  data: index(local!,"id",null)
                  label: "description",
                  field: "description",
                  data: index(local!,"description",null)


  • Hey Pablo,

    From your query i think you need to unselect/ Clear out all the gridselections.

    This can be done by setting the gridselection.selected value to 'null' in the saveInto parameter where ever you have provided your functionality (like button, link etc).
  • Hi Jonathan,

    The code is so extense, because I have distinc components (CDT, ER, CONSTANTS,..). Answering your questions:

    What's the purpose for losing focus on the selected row?
    - The interface is a Finder, I want initialize when I enter. This interface is calling by another one, using a rule.
    Can you define that is the meaning for having the same instance?
    - Once you open (and load) the interface, if you´ll back to find someone, the focus is in the last row selected.

  • Hi Abhishek,

    That sounds good! The principal problema is, the interface with "gridselection" is calling by another one. is it possible change a parametre interface from outside?? In my case, unselect the grid when I push a button in other interface.
