Excel Tools Smart Services missing (not found)

In a new process model, in the smart services palette, I am unable to find few smart services. I need the Parse Excel to CDT smart service and it doesn't display on my palette. Please help me as to why this is happening and how I can rectify it. 

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  • That Smart service has been deprecated if you check the version history of the Excel Tools plug in.

    *Version 2.2.0 07Oct18
    - Added Convert Excel to CSV Smart Service
    - Added Import Excel to DB Smart Service
    - Added LOAD CSV to DB Smart Service - fast CSV import for MySQL database that are not hosted on Appian Cloud
    - Import CSV to DB can now decrypt EncryptedText fields (for importing into external DS)
    - Deprecated CDT to/from Excel, Export Report, Export Excel Servlets (existing use will continue to work)


    I guess one pattern might be to use the Import option from Excel to Database, and then read the Database in batch sizes to achieve the same outcome.
  • That Smart service has been deprecated if you check the version history of the Excel Tools plug in.

    *Version 2.2.0 07Oct18
    - Added Convert Excel to CSV Smart Service
    - Added Import Excel to DB Smart Service
    - Added LOAD CSV to DB Smart Service - fast CSV import for MySQL database that are not hosted on Appian Cloud
    - Import CSV to DB can now decrypt EncryptedText fields (for importing into external DS)
    - Deprecated CDT to/from Excel, Export Report, Export Excel Servlets (existing use will continue to work)


    I guess one pattern might be to use the Import option from Excel to Database, and then read the Database in batch sizes to achieve the same outcome.