Show value by choosing an option


Inside my cdt I have a group called country, within it I have three groups and in each one I have a user with their data.
My question is, of a form with two fields, in the first I choose the user and after choosing it I want that in the second field I get your telephone number


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Parents Reply
  • yes, i want to display user related telephone in second field automatically
    This in my code.
    I would like to know what should I put where "xxxxx" is if that part of the code is ok.


    local!group: cons!ct_filter,
    label: "Contact",
    labelPosition: "ADJACENT",
    maxSelections: 1,
    groupfilter: local!group,
    value: ri!,
    saveInto: ri!,
    required: true,
    validations: {}

    label: "telephone",
    labelPosition: "ADJACENT",
    value: user(xxxxxxxxxx,"phoneMobile"),
    saveInto: ri!nuevasSolic.telephoneContact,
    refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS",
    required: true,
    validations: {}
