Visibility roles of a site page


I have a question with the visibility roles of a site page. I have three sites (request, management, new) and in each. For example

=isusermemberofgroup(tostring(loggedInUser()), a!groupsByName("managers"))"

but I can not see or see a page if I get a different role

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    I can't tell what you're asking.  What are you expecting or hoping to happen?  What are you experiencing instead?

  • Title                       Icon                                                 Content Visibility
    Consultation     C_PM_consultationSol                  =isusermemberofgroup(tostring(loggedInUser()), a!groupsByName("managers"))
    Management    C_PM_managementSol                =isusermemberofgroup(tostring(loggedInUser()), a!groupsByName("analyst"))
    Registration      C_PM_registrationSol                   =isusermemberofgroup(tostring(loggedInUser()), a!groupsByName("managers"))

    I need these roles for these sites and I do not know how to do it:
    manager: registration and consultation
    analyst: management and consultation

  • Hi Alejandro - you need to think in terms of "sets". You will have one "set" (or Group) that represents Managers, another for Analysts; and then you need 3 other "sets" (Groups) that represent the roles of: Consultation, Management and Registration.

    Your Consultation Group needs to contain: the Manager and Analyst groups

    Your Management Group needs to contain: the Analysts group

    Your Registration Group needs to contain: the Manager Group

    Your visibility rules will then refer to the relevant group from the second set.

    Note: it's better to use constants to hold references to groups than use the a!groupsByName() because a Group's name is not immutable - someone might edit that Group and change its name. But a constant of type 'Group' will act as a permanent pointer to the Group even if the Group's name is changed. Where you need a list of the Groups, re-use the ones you've created as single constants and write an Expression Rule to return the list of those Groups

    Your code should look something like this:

    Title Icon Content Visibility
    Consultation C_PM_consultationSol =isusermemberofgroup(tostring(loggedInUser()), rule!XXX_ER_GROUPS_CONSULTATION)
    Management C_PM_managementSol =isusermemberofgroup(tostring(loggedInUser()), cons!XXX_GROUP_ANALYST)
    Registration C_PM_registrationSol =isusermemberofgroup(tostring(loggedInUser()), cons!XXX_GROUP_MANAGER)

    Hope this helps


  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Alastr

    In addition to Stewart's answer which I agree with all of it, I would also recommend that you set up a separate expression rule to handle the visibility for each different site page.  So something like "PREFIX_SitePageVisibility_Consultation()", which accepts 1 parameter of username, and contains the necessary group-checking code within it.  This will allow you to test the result of the visibility expression easily across a variety of users (just put in different usernames in the test input), and makes future adjustments easier (since you don't need to edit the site setup to make small changes).

  • When I try to use that function within an expression rule, I do not
    it recognizes it. Is it in a plug-in package or can I find it for
    see how it is used?
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