Call an integration multiple times in a Process Model


I would like to know how to call an integration multiple times.
I have a series of items stored in one array. I would like to call an itegration for each item in my array.

For example in my script task: 


items: myArray,

expression: callMyIntegration(fv!item)



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    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to rinaldor0001

    Please ignore my previous post. Try this:

    1. Have this array in a text type process variable of multiple type
    2. Use call integration smart service
    3. In Other tab.. user MNI to repeat calls as per number of items in your array
    4. Option to choose.. Run one instance for each item in ... input your pv! array
    5. Choose option to move on when all instances are done below
    6. This way, integration runs multiple times
    7. Can capture the outputs for each call using tp!instanceIndex in Data tab accordingly
