Concatenating two strings with fitnesse for appian

Hi All,

I want to create a dynamic string which starts with the keyword say, "Document" followed by a random generated string. 

My code  for random string generation is as below : 

|$title= |get random string|6 |
|set test variable|title |with|$title|

|populate field | xyz |with| tv!title |

Can someone suggest how to concatenate the keyword "Document" to this dynamic string so that the output would be "Documentkljlk"  (Document + random string)...

Looking forward for a solution... thanks in advance!

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    concat("Document", ri!title)  that should work.  I don't know if you were actually attempting the tv! or if you meant pv! in your example.

    You had the syntax correct in the first one for just the literal word "Document".

    Start with concat("Document", "xyz") and one that's outputting what you expect then start replacing Text literals with Text variables.  The problem may also lie with your generate random string function or with connecting that piece to this one.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    concat("Document", ri!title)  that should work.  I don't know if you were actually attempting the tv! or if you meant pv! in your example.

    You had the syntax correct in the first one for just the literal word "Document".

    Start with concat("Document", "xyz") and one that's outputting what you expect then start replacing Text literals with Text variables.  The problem may also lie with your generate random string function or with connecting that piece to this one.
