Hi All,
i have an appian site in which the LDAP is configured and is single sign on, which is working fine,
but am trying to sign-in with Native login (for user created in Appian (native login URL- https://mySite/suite?signin=native)) it dosen't work, can anyone help me on this please
Thanks in advance
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Users can only have one authentication method. So the first thing I would check is that the user is configured to log in using Appian authentication and not LDAP. In the Admin Console, under "LDAP", the last configuration is "Restrict LDAP authentication to a specific group". Use the configuration and make sure this user account is not in that group.
Thanks for the reply Steven, we are using SAML Authentication with SSO, now if am trying Native login with the user who has admin roles, then we are able to login, but if we are trying Native login with user who has Basic roles, then it dosen't login.
please let me know how can i make it work for all
why it works for Admin role users but not for Basic
LDAP is different than SAML. When you set up SAML, you choose an "Authentication Group" on the setup page. Anyone in this group must authentication through SAML and cannot use Appian authentication. It does not matter if the user is a system admin or basic user.
Can you check the groups of the basic user and see if they are part of the group that is designated to use SAML?
Hi Steven, i checked that and the user was from that group , so i removed the specific user from that group , even now when am trying to login through that user in Native login url, am getting the error
How was the user created and do you know their Appian password? You could try resetting it which would send a temporary Appian password to the email address associated with the account.
Ya, i created an test user inside Appian and tried to login, but this is not allowing me to login through native login page
Have you reviewed the logs to see if there is a specific issue/error associated with the user's authentication? The issue is likely a pretty easy fix once you determine the specific problem with that user's authentication.
it says incorrect username and Password
I hope you have removed the test user from the SAML Authentication Group. Now You can reset the password for the test user(make sure you update the Email to Your account so that the temporary password will be emailed to you) and then try to logging with the temporary password. I did it many times in Our Instance to test the Application with the basic users.
i did these steps Chandu, still its not working