Issue with downloaddatasubsetfromrule function

I am trying to use the function downloaddatasubsetfromrule from the plugin  I do not know where this plugin came from (it was in our environment when I started the project).  I am getting this error:

25 Apr 2019 16:14:21,158 INFO  [stdout] (http- 2019-04-25 16:14:21,156 [http-] ERROR com.appiancorp.ap2.WrapFilter - javax.servlet.ServletException: JBWEB000248: Servlet execution threw an exception
25 Apr 2019 16:14:21,158 INFO  [stdout] (http- javax.servlet.ServletException: JBWEB000248: Servlet execution threw an exception
25 Apr 2019 16:14:21,158 INFO  [stdout] (http-  at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(
25 Apr 2019 16:14:21,158 INFO  [stdout] (http-  at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(
25 Apr 2019 16:14:21,158 INFO  [stdout] (http-  at com.appiancorp.ap2.EntryFilter.doFilter(

This shows to user as a new tab when the Download link is clicked:

Here is the code to call the function:

    links: {
        label: "Export",
        saveInto: {
              rule: rule!myRule,
              input: loggedInUser()
    links: {
        label: "Download",
        uri: ri!exportUri

The data coming from rule!myRule looks like this:

    fieldNames: List of Text String: 8 items
    fieldLabels: List of Text String: 8 items
    datasubset: DataSubset
        startIndex: 1
        batchSize: -1
        sort: null (List of SortInfo)
        totalCount: 370
        data: List of MyData: 370 items
    filename: "TestFile"

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  • Hi jacobe,

    I have faced similar Issue. The advanced plugin also has the same problem. The problem is with the URI construction. Here I can see the URI is constructed based on huge data which surpasses the maximum limit of its construction. In this case, the usage of getdatasubsetdownloadlinkfromprocess may help you more. you can pass only the filters into the process and query the data inside the process. And prepare the exportable data subset at a single stretch. In this way as the input parameters to URI construction will be much lower than before. So In this way, we can export the data at a single click. 

  • Hi jacobe,

    I have faced similar Issue. The advanced plugin also has the same problem. The problem is with the URI construction. Here I can see the URI is constructed based on huge data which surpasses the maximum limit of its construction. In this case, the usage of getdatasubsetdownloadlinkfromprocess may help you more. you can pass only the filters into the process and query the data inside the process. And prepare the exportable data subset at a single stretch. In this way as the input parameters to URI construction will be much lower than before. So In this way, we can export the data at a single click. 
