line chart showing data for different years, same month ?

I'm trying to create a simple line chart that has a data set similar to the following :

[year:2018,month:1,count:1];[year:2018,month:2,count: 54][year:2018,month:3,count:123] [year:2019,month:1,count:347]; [year:2019,month:4,count:503]; [year:2019,month:5,count:52]

Basically showing my for each year how many widgets were ordered for each month. Some months return null when we've not sold any widgets.
However no matter what I do I'm getting stuck at my series and either everything s displayed on one month, or nothing at all.

I'm sure it's a missing for each loop in the series but no luck so far.

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  • Hi Paul

    If this is what you're looking for:

    ...then this is how I made it, based upon your data:

      local!monthNumbers: fn!enumerate(12)+1,
      local!monthNames: {
      local!data: {
        {year:2018,month:2,count: 54},
          categories: a!forEach(
            items: local!data,
            expression: fn!concat(
              fn!displayvalue(fv!item.month,local!monthNumbers, local!monthNames,""),
              " ",
          series: a!chartSeries(
            label: "Month/Year",
            data: a!forEach(
              items: local!data,
              expression: fv!item.count

    I might suggest that a line chart may not be the best way to represent this data as "number of widgets ordered per month" sounds quite discrete, and a line chart kind of communicates a more continuous set of changing data. But it;'s only my personal view.

  • Hi Paul

    If this is what you're looking for:

    ...then this is how I made it, based upon your data:

      local!monthNumbers: fn!enumerate(12)+1,
      local!monthNames: {
      local!data: {
        {year:2018,month:2,count: 54},
          categories: a!forEach(
            items: local!data,
            expression: fn!concat(
              fn!displayvalue(fv!item.month,local!monthNumbers, local!monthNames,""),
              " ",
          series: a!chartSeries(
            label: "Month/Year",
            data: a!forEach(
              items: local!data,
              expression: fv!item.count

    I might suggest that a line chart may not be the best way to represent this data as "number of widgets ordered per month" sounds quite discrete, and a line chart kind of communicates a more continuous set of changing data. But it;'s only my personal view.

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