Creating Filters

Hello. I am new to programming. I have created a form (shown below) that I want sent to applicants. I have three drop-down lists: Status, LMI, and Structure Type. I want to design the form so that these lists will automatically filter a set of applicants according to their Status, LMI, and Structure Type. What are the steps I need to take to have my drop-down menus filter applicants by these three types? Thank you.

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  • LOTS of questions still to be answered, but let's make a start:

    I presume there is a list of "Applicants" somewhere that you want to use the filters to return a subset of that list based upon what you've selected? If so: where is that list? (database?)

    The Applicants will need to have correlating attributes that can be used to select them based upon the values you pick in your drop-downs.

    When you say you want to "send a form" to the Applicants, what is meant by that? The form you're displaying looks like its the basis for capturing some info by someone who wants to use that to get the list of Applicants to send something to them, but it wouldn't be THIS form (would it?)

  • Hello, Stewart. I created a list of applicants, added them to the test environment, and placed them in a group (shown below). I don't know where to go from there, however; I'm not sure how to "connect" these applicants to the attributes relevant to the drop-downs. 

    Currently, I can click "submit" and have this form sent to a designated email address. The result is shown below the first image. This is the form I want sent. The issue is getting it to automatically filter the test applicants. 

    Thank you.

  • Hello, Stewart. I created a list of applicants, added them to the test environment, and placed them in a group (shown below). I don't know where to go from there, however; I'm not sure how to "connect" these applicants to the attributes relevant to the drop-downs. 

    Currently, I can click "submit" and have this form sent to a designated email address. The result is shown below the first image. This is the form I want sent. The issue is getting it to automatically filter the test applicants. 

    Thank you.
