Is there a way to generate commentary similar to native Appian functions. Typically, if a user places the cursor within the brackets of a native function, a description appears in the manual window that contains more than just the type of the input parameters.
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A rule's description (Gear menu > Properties) shows up in the bottom-left panel in the rule designer for a user-defined rule. Its rule inputs also show up. That information also shows as part of the autocomplete functionality.
I was actually hoping to do this via commentary within the function. But this does help, thank you!
When you say "commentary within the function", what exactly are you imagining, I wonder? It seems like it would get pretty messy to have the popup help window show all in-function comments, for example. I certainly wouldn't want that in the case of any of my expression rules with heavy annotations, typically pertaining more to implementation rather than usage.
Understood, and I agree, however sometimes we'd like to have valid ranges for rule inputs....
That can probably go in the rule description, though I don't disagree that having rule input descriptions would make it even better
That makes sense - some optional way to comment on individual rule inputs does seem like it would be useful, though it might require a bit of a dramatic product change (though i might hopefully be wrong about that).