Find groups of deactivated user


I am working on version 19.1.

I have a query regarding groups of a deactivate user.

So my requirement is if user selects a group, he wants to know the deactivated uses of that group.

Is here any way of achieving this.

Thanks in advance!!

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    This is going to require an architecture change.  You're going to need to build a mini-app for deactivating users to be utilized in lieu of the Admin console, and really get onto your system admins to use your new Deactivate User App instead of the default mechanism.

    As part of the app, you'll want to record all groups that user currently belongs to before deactivating them.  That achieved, you'll then want to format the groups to some other data type, such as integers for the group IDs, then persist those in a database table.  When that's done, deactivate the user.

    This gives you three advantages, even four depending how you build it:

    1 You can store the date and time and user that deactivated this user for auditing purposes

    2 You can do what you originally asked for and query what groups a user belonged to before they were deactivated

    3 You can use the query to manage what former groups a user is put into when they're reactivated

    4 You could possibly use this to automate the deactivation process to run automatically on a schedule for Use It or Lose It, etc.

  • 0
    A Score Level 1
    in reply to Dave Lewis


    Thank you for replying!!

    Will work as per your suggestion.

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