DS to Excel smart service

Hi All ,

Currently we are using DS to excel smart service to  download excel file from the grid based on filters . 

Problem : In The downloaded excel file lets say Column A is of type TEXT (Its CDT field type is Text in appian ) . Now the business wants it to be integer type in Column A in the downloaded Excel file .

Pre-requiste : We dont want to change the appian cdt type of that field into integer .


Vetri V 

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    With the new OOTB Export DS to excel smart service you can't control the formatting of the excel workbook columns. It will be set based on the source CDT's (table/view) field type. If you are using a table entity on this smartservice, I would recommend creating a view (it can be just select * ) for the table and using a new CDT only for document generation.

    Because if there is any expectation to do basic formatting on the excel content like displaying date/time in a specific format or displaying Boolean as TEXT then these formatting has to be done in the view and appian will just export it.

    Thanks, Raghu

  • ,

    With the new OOTB Export DS to excel smart service you can't control the formatting of the excel workbook columns. It will be set based on the source CDT's (table/view) field type. If you are using a table entity on this smartservice, I would recommend creating a view (it can be just select * ) for the table and using a new CDT only for document generation.

    Because if there is any expectation to do basic formatting on the excel content like displaying date/time in a specific format or displaying Boolean as TEXT then these formatting has to be done in the view and appian will just export it.

    Thanks, Raghu

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