TimeOut in a WebApi wich use StartProcess


I wanted to know how many seconds must pass before startprocess called by a webApi breaks by timeout. We know that it can be used until 50 nodes in a process called by a webApi but not the waiting time.



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  • Hi Rebeca,

    According to the "Breaking a Chain" section on the "Common Process Model Workflows and Recipes", the time it takes for an Activity Chain to break is ten minutes per node join. As such, as long as the process model linked via a!startProcess is activity chained, I can't see a case this would ever exceed and break. Even if it were to exceed, the a!startProcess would finish and execute its "onSuccess" content, meaning that you should get a response still (albeit without some of the data).

    As such, it appears to imply that any timeouts would be subject to the caller of the WebAPI rather than the WebAPI itself as Appian would be actively working. For instance, for a response time that large, it may be hard to justify using it as a link on a web page, but it may be okay as a REST API.

    Kind Regards,

  • Hi Rebeca,

    According to the "Breaking a Chain" section on the "Common Process Model Workflows and Recipes", the time it takes for an Activity Chain to break is ten minutes per node join. As such, as long as the process model linked via a!startProcess is activity chained, I can't see a case this would ever exceed and break. Even if it were to exceed, the a!startProcess would finish and execute its "onSuccess" content, meaning that you should get a response still (albeit without some of the data).

    As such, it appears to imply that any timeouts would be subject to the caller of the WebAPI rather than the WebAPI itself as Appian would be actively working. For instance, for a response time that large, it may be hard to justify using it as a link on a web page, but it may be okay as a REST API.

    Kind Regards,
