When retrieving data which cascade type will overwrite the values of a nested cdt with the latest value from the RDBMS? Options REMOVE, REFRESH, PERSIST, MERGE
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REFRESH, please refer https://docs.appian.com/suite/help/19.2/CDT_Relationships.html
Thank you for the response. The question is when "overwriting while retrieving the data". In the provided article it explains "when we are updating data".
For the vast majority of cases, you only need to use CASCADE = REFRESH or CASCADE = ALL (which incorporates REMOVE, REFRESH, PERSIST, and MERGE). These options are also the only two available in the Data Type Designer UI (To use other types, you must download XSD and change there: https://docs.appian.com/suite/help/latest/Custom_Data_Types_from_XSD.html)
CASCADE = ALL will overwrite the nested CDTs when writing; CASCADE = REFRESH will NOT overwrite the data in nested CDTs(it only writes data into the top level CDT).
In general, I'd recommend using:
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