Option to Disable 19.3 Dialog Style Related Actions

Is there an option to revert the dialog style Related Actions from 19.3 to the old redirect style Related Actions from older versions?

After testing on several instances, the dialog style Related Actions seems to run slower than the old redirect style Related Actions.

In addition, the dialog style Related Actions allow the user to interact with the record view before the page refreshes. Many projects chain related action process models through all data updates in order to avoid that possibility. Even with activity chaining, dialog style related actions still have that issue.

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Out of curiosity, how much of this would be solved if they tweaked the chaining functionality such that it correctly refreshes the source interface upon returning from a Related Action?

    I like the idea of an option to allow either behavior - some use cases use a Related Action to start a brand new process flow (as opposed to something transient), and in such cases it might be expected that the task forms started by Related Actions act like regular actions / start process links / task links.

    Additionally, it would be nice to be able to configure Start Process Links to emulate Related Actions (since they can be used to create "ad hoc related actions" in a sense).  All I would need is a new parameter that can be set either way. 

    The new functionality is great when you need a user to complete an on-screen task and not accidentally navigate away, since depending on your setup (particularly in sites) they might not have visibility into a traditional "task list" and therefore running tasks might be lost.  It would just be nice to have a more complete set of options for it.

  • If they updated the chaining functionality to work that way and fixed the dialog style Related Actions so that they didn't take a performance hit from the old versions, I'd be ok with the dialog style RA's (Even if I'm not the biggest fan of them aesthetically).

    My biggest issue is that the dialog style RA's are slower and can lead to lost inputs if the user interacts too quickly with the record view.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Charlie Shin
    My biggest issue is that the dialog style RA's are slower

    I haven't personally experienced this yet, but haven't tested it all that extensively either.  Hopefully some tweaking will arrive soon via hotfixes and the like.

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