Appian Health Check - Diagnosis of High Priority Issues

Certified Senior Developer

Hi All,

We have run the Appian Health Check for our on-premise environment and we got the report with High, Medium and Low priority issues. Here one high priority issue be like

1) "CDTs exceeding breadth threshold" 10 CDT(s) have more than 200 fields (High) and 10 CDT(s) have more than 100 fields (Medium).Large CDTs are harder to maintain and can cause performance, But it is showing           from 15 Application from the environment. 

2)  Here, we are having some around 300 CDTs from all 15 Applications, How to diagnose , Which CDT is having more fields and causing performance issue.

Any suggestions would be Appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,


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  • The Healthcheck report should tell you exactly which objects the risks are related to. On the 'Details' tab by default you'll see a summarised view of the issues. You can expand this to see the individual issues by clicking the   icon to the left of any given row.

    Typically the Tech Lead for a given Application should take responsibility for reviewing the flagged issues and deciding what to do about each. You can filter the report by 'Application Name' so that a Tech Lead can focus on their risks.

    Note: I am using the word 'risk' rather than 'issue' because, like any risk, you have a choice of how to mitigate. For example, not all 'High' level risks need to addressed (this is the 'Accept' option of a risk). The Healthcheck report provides you insight but you need to interpret the data and apply the appropriate mitigation for the risk being flagged.

  • The Healthcheck report should tell you exactly which objects the risks are related to. On the 'Details' tab by default you'll see a summarised view of the issues. You can expand this to see the individual issues by clicking the   icon to the left of any given row.

    Typically the Tech Lead for a given Application should take responsibility for reviewing the flagged issues and deciding what to do about each. You can filter the report by 'Application Name' so that a Tech Lead can focus on their risks.

    Note: I am using the word 'risk' rather than 'issue' because, like any risk, you have a choice of how to mitigate. For example, not all 'High' level risks need to addressed (this is the 'Accept' option of a risk). The Healthcheck report provides you insight but you need to interpret the data and apply the appropriate mitigation for the risk being flagged.
