How to link to a process dashboard from process backed record

I have a process backed record type with grid style record list.  Building an interface and wanted to provide a link from the first column so it can take the user to the process dashboard. How this can be achieved? I tried using the below in summary view.

rule!formattedLinkToDashboard(rf!,""). It doesn't seem to work and returns a blank page.

Also, in interface, this is what  i have.

label: "PR Number",
field: "MilestoneSchedule.ReqNumber",
data: index(local!, "ReqNumber", null),
links: a!forEach(
items: local!datasubset,
expression: a!recordLink(
label: "Go to record view",
identifier: fv!identifier,
dashboard: "summary"

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  • troubleshooting...

    from the docs, the following is all you need to construct a link to process-backed record.

      label: "Employee",
      recordType: cons!PROCESS_RECORD,
      identifier: "268435504",
      dashboard: " _KcRefg"

    in isolation, can you get the following to work?

    label: "Go to record view",
    recordType: cons!PROCESS_RECORD,
    identifier: /*test with a good known identifier*/
    /*you should be able to omit the dashboard parameter because you're only passing in the default right now*/

  • Hi Meenakshir,

    Can you try below code

    label: "PR Number",
    field: "MilestoneSchedule.ReqNumber",
    data: index(local!, "ReqNumber", null),
                  label: "Go to record view",
                  recordType: cons!MP_ALL_MILESTONE_SCHEDULES_RECORD,
                  identifier: _ ,

  • Hi, 

    I tried the above and same result with the blank page. Also, just want to let you know that rule formattedlinktodashboard returns this output.

    "<p style='background-color:#eee; border:1px dashed #ddd; width:70% !important; margin:0 auto; text-align:center; padding:7px;'><a href="/suite/process/" target="fProcess"></a></p>"

    Thanks for your help!
