Hello Everyone,
Is there a way to authenticate a user at a form level in Appian? I need this in one of my SAIL forms. Any suggestions/inputs would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
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That depends on what "authentication" you need. For any particular interface, you can tell what user account is currently looking at it simply via the loggedinuser() function. For anything more advanced than this, I'm not sure what's possible (or even feasible) without use of some sort of plug-in.
Hi Mike,
I need a user authentication in a form just like an authentication that takes place when an Appian user logins. I am not aware if there is already a plugin which does this.
Out of curiosity, why would you not just rely on the authentication the user provides at login time?
My scenario: There is one computer which is used by multiple users. And when a particular user logins and fills up on e form and if in case the user is away for some time, an other user might fill some bogus values in to the form and submit. Also, since the original user performs some testing on a machine, he cannot logout of the Appian. To avoid this scenario, the form should have a second user level authentication on the form itself which I need to implement.
You can configure the Idle Session Timeout under Admin Console -> AUTHENTICATION -> APPIAN.
Rajiv - Have you solved this problem ? have you found any plugin which does this authentication at form level ?