Get documents uploaded by a user within date range

Hi! We have a requirement in which we need to get all documents uploaded to Appian by any selected user withing a time range, is there a way to achieve this?

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    I assume you don't have this, but this is one of many good examples for why it's a good idea for a project to build a DB-backed document storage system (one which basically mirrors the appian-side document storage, with whatever extended data the application might dictate).

    The solution otherwise kinda depends on whether the user uploads are in one particular folder tree or potentially in many different ones.  If just one place, it wouldn't be too hard to build a function that gets all documents from a folder or set of folders, then filter for creator and for created date.  The issue here is that on production systems with heavy document loads, performance may tank pretty quickly.  There might be other, more performant solutions to this that I'm not thinking of, which hopefully someone else can contribute if they know one.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    I assume you don't have this, but this is one of many good examples for why it's a good idea for a project to build a DB-backed document storage system (one which basically mirrors the appian-side document storage, with whatever extended data the application might dictate).

    The solution otherwise kinda depends on whether the user uploads are in one particular folder tree or potentially in many different ones.  If just one place, it wouldn't be too hard to build a function that gets all documents from a folder or set of folders, then filter for creator and for created date.  The issue here is that on production systems with heavy document loads, performance may tank pretty quickly.  There might be other, more performant solutions to this that I'm not thinking of, which hopefully someone else can contribute if they know one.
