nested Data types. Cascade Type

I have CDT with several nested data types. is there any way to avoid updating a nested entity in DB? because I should update some nested data types

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  • There's a lot of good information on the CDT Relationships page in the docs. In your case, the main section to look at is the section on Cascade. The Cascade type determines whether or not to update child data in nested CDTs when you write to a Data Store Entity.

    • If you use CASCADE=ALL, it will update all data for the parent and child CDTs.
    • If you use CASCADE=REFRESH, it will only update the parent CDT. Based on your question, this seems like what you might want.

    For both of these options, you can change the cascade type by clicking on the foreign key icon in the CDT designer. If you want to make this change to a CDT that is already mapped to the database, you will also need to alter your existing tables to use this new cascade type.

    In general, One-to-One and One-to-Many work well with the CASCADE=ALL (this is also often called Master-Detail). Many-to-One and Many-to-Many usually work better with CASCADE=REFRESH (also called reference behavior).

  • There's a lot of good information on the CDT Relationships page in the docs. In your case, the main section to look at is the section on Cascade. The Cascade type determines whether or not to update child data in nested CDTs when you write to a Data Store Entity.

    • If you use CASCADE=ALL, it will update all data for the parent and child CDTs.
    • If you use CASCADE=REFRESH, it will only update the parent CDT. Based on your question, this seems like what you might want.

    For both of these options, you can change the cascade type by clicking on the foreign key icon in the CDT designer. If you want to make this change to a CDT that is already mapped to the database, you will also need to alter your existing tables to use this new cascade type.

    In general, One-to-One and One-to-Many work well with the CASCADE=ALL (this is also often called Master-Detail). Many-to-One and Many-to-Many usually work better with CASCADE=REFRESH (also called reference behavior).
