I have a requirement to read only 5 sites (say site#1, site#2..... site#5 ) data from sites_usage.csv file asynchronously for given time range

I have a requirement to read only 5 sites (say site#1, site#2..... site#5 ) data from sites_usage.csv file asynchronously for given time range

I am using below code snippet in sub process and I am calling it in main process and doing MNI on 5 sites
csvPath:"audit/sites_usage.csv" ,
startIndex: 1,
batchSize: -1,
filterColumName: "Site",
filterOperator: "=",
filterValue: ri!siteName,/*site name (MNI value)*/
timestampColumnName: "Timestamp",
timestampStart: if(rule!APN_isBlank( ri!fromDate),null,ri!fromDate),
timestampEnd: if(rule!APN_isBlank( ri!toDate),null,ri!toDate),

now the problem is I am getting data for only first ran PM for other 4 I am not getting data even though I have data in sites_usage.csv , but if I didn't pass date range I am able to read data for all 5 sites. Can anyone know what is the problem if we pass date range? Do we have any lock mechanism on file for date range?

Thanks in advance

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