We are using Oracle database and below is the issue:
I have a requirement to load the CSV file data into database. For this, I have created one CDT and it’s primary key is configured as auto generated.
And I am using the “Import CSV to Database V5” smart service to load the data.
Here I am facing an issue and data is not getting inserted into database. This smart service is showing the below error message.
“ORA-01400: Cannot insert NULL into (“APPIANBD”.”testTable”.”id”)”
Where “testTable” is the table name and “id” is the primary key.
The other tables, for which I am loading the data using “Write to Datastore entity” smart service , they are working fine. Data is getting inserted and also id is generated automatically.
Only for these tables, in which I am loading the data using this smart interface, I am facing this issue.
Also, If I manually update the CSV file with some id values, then the data is storing in database. Otherwise, it is not auto generating the id values and throwing the above mentioned error.
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I suggest don’t provide Id values from CSV file and try loading the data.
Hi Durgesh,
I actually don't have the id column in my source CSV file. As the smart service was throwing the mentioned error, i then added this id column with few values to check where the problem is.