Exception ,Error handling, showing custom error messages

How to deal with exeptions or errors in appian. I would like to show a custom error message to the user instead of technical terms. At the same time , the errors with specific technical terms must be logged into a file ,so that the relevant team can look into it. So how do i do these two things, Custom error message and Error logging .


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Parents Reply
  • That's ok we can do a basic regex check. The main purpose of this question, was to find a approach to handle errors and exceptions of a smart service or anything, Now I came to know we can make use of the node outputs to make exception flows and custom error messages. 

    It will also be nice if appian let's us to edit the basic product code itself. Many low code development platforms like wordpress let's us change the background code completely and add new features. Appian must consider letting that flexibility for the designer. And yes, those who find it difficult to code are always allowed to use the abstractions provided by appian.

    Thank you

  • I understand the request, but if Appian allowed you to change the base code then in effect you'd be creating a fork of the code and it would be unsupportable by Appian, which is part of the platform offering - the code AND the associated support. You can write your own plug-ins to extend the platform capability, and you can submit requests for changes to existing features (e.g. to ask for the Send E-mail Smart Service to allow you to implement a try/throw/catch pattern and implement your own error-handling!)