send email

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  • In your process model you are calling your Integration with a 'Call Integration' Smart Service. In the Data Outputs of this node you will be able to see a' Success' attribute. You can pass this value into a process variable, and, if this is set to false(), you can then handle the integration failure. Note that at this point you'll probably want to build your own way of managing errors - so maybe a sub-process that assigns a Task to the Administrators Group (this will then send an email which Users in the Administrators Group will receive) You'll probably want to make this sub-process as generic as possible so it can be re-used throughout your Application or (depending on the scope of responsibility for the Administrators) across many Applications. You'll also want to consider what sort of experience you want the end User to have, depending on whether a User is synchronously waiting for a result that includes a call to this Integration.

  • In your process model you are calling your Integration with a 'Call Integration' Smart Service. In the Data Outputs of this node you will be able to see a' Success' attribute. You can pass this value into a process variable, and, if this is set to false(), you can then handle the integration failure. Note that at this point you'll probably want to build your own way of managing errors - so maybe a sub-process that assigns a Task to the Administrators Group (this will then send an email which Users in the Administrators Group will receive) You'll probably want to make this sub-process as generic as possible so it can be re-used throughout your Application or (depending on the scope of responsibility for the Administrators) across many Applications. You'll also want to consider what sort of experience you want the end User to have, depending on whether a User is synchronously waiting for a result that includes a call to this Integration.
