What is the best way to extract data from APPIAN CLOUD DB to our Local DB?

Hi Folks,

We have appian Cloud environment using Cloud DB, and appian on-prem on our local DB.

For some reason, I need to extract data from Cloud DB into our local DB, make this ETL happened automated daily.

So what would be the best practice to make this happened?


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  • First question: why do you need the data shipped out if Appian to a local DB? What is it you want to do there that you can't do in Appian?

  • Because my boss want all those data not only exists on appian Cloud DB, also we have a back up of all data in our own Oracle DB as well.

    But the App is running on Appian Cloud environment, we just need to backup those data from Appian Cloud Mysql DB to our local Oracle DB.

    Is SFTP component working under this scenario?

  • Appian Cloud backups are conducted by the Appian Cloud Team. If you have High Availability you'll have RPO/RTO service levels of 15 minutes. Other than having a back-up, what's the purpose of having the data in your on-premise DB? (I'm asking because there should always be a purpose in mind for any requirement and once we understand the purpose we can perhaps look at more than one option which is all you will have if you ask the specific question you've asked)

  • Stewart, 

    I have make some research on send CSV file using SFTP Smart Service. But since our appian on-prims server is not open to Internet so I think this is not going to work. 

    I was trying to download the Data as CSV file format from Cloud DB and using powershell  to import into our own Oracle DB. Do you have any suggestions?

  • Hi Peiran

    I still don't feel I understand the driver for this specific question. One o the behaviours of a Consultant is to not always take things at face value in order to discover the real requirements. 

    There is no 'best', there is what is 'optimal' for the constraints you have to work within.

    Conceptually you can 'push' or 'pull' to move data from one platform to another.Let's put 'Appian' as the centre of our discussion where 'push' means 'run something on Appian that pushes the data from Appian to your on-premise platform'. Thus 'pull' means have your platform call Appian and fetch the data'. You then also have options as to how to trigger the end-to-end process and exactly what it does  e.g. you can run something based upon a timer in your on-premise platform, call Appian (via a WebAPI) which then runs, gets a delta of the data and then SFTPs it to you. Or you can run the process in Appian on a timer-triggered process. Or you can trickle-feed every change that happens continuously throughout the on-line day using a Messge Queue so your platforms are decoupled. There are many many options, but it depends on what resources you have - what exists, what budget you have to make changes, what time-frames to get this done...and this is why I always challenge a requirement that isn't expressed in terms of value because one option you ALWAYS have (and is often the hardest to sell) is to do nothing! 

    But I feel I've said that enough times now, so I'll leave that with you.

  • Hi Stewart,

    We have a third-party team who is working on Appian Cloud Envionment and using Cloud DB. The data on Cloud DB getting update and refresh.

    We also have a appian on-prem envrionment running on our company server and this server is not open to the public, we need to use VPN connect it and doing the deveopment process.

    My company want to having a backup solution runs daily or hourly, can pull the data from Appian Cloud DB to our own Oracle Database. Which I need to setup a project on Appian Cloud environment, sending the Data (File) by using some service(maybe SFTP?) and using the on-prem server receive the File and import data(maybe powershell?) into our Oracle Database.

    I don't know is this is even doable or we have better options?

  • Hi Stewart,

    We have a third-party team who is working on Appian Cloud Envionment and using Cloud DB. The data on Cloud DB getting update and refresh.

    We also have a appian on-prem envrionment running on our company server and this server is not open to the public, we need to use VPN connect it and doing the deveopment process.

    My company want to having a backup solution runs daily or hourly, can pull the data from Appian Cloud DB to our own Oracle Database. Which I need to setup a project on Appian Cloud environment, sending the Data (File) by using some service(maybe SFTP?) and using the on-prem server receive the File and import data(maybe powershell?) into our Oracle Database.

    I don't know is this is even doable or we have better options?

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